Making designs look “easy” is both a blessing, and a curse. A blessing because ultimately – the design looks good! Tons of clients think so! They keep coming back to you for more work, you make money, and all is right in the world. A curse because said clients think it doesn’t take long to...Continue Reading
Well .. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted as I’ve been working away on several new projects. Of course, this is a good thing, but also hurts my ability to focus on new business initiatives. As a “one (wo)man stop shop,” it’s often hard to get to EVERYTHING you need to be doing. Prioritizing...Continue Reading
Logotypes are some of my favorite projects to work on. I love trying to solve the problem of having to convey a company’s vision with as little “noise” as possible. A logo should be able to work in its simplest form — devoid of color, gradients, shadows, etc. You need the reader to know what...Continue Reading
You might already know why Pinterest is awesome (especially if you’re a woman [according to Nielsen]), but I’m here to advocate for the site from a designer’s point of view. Well, and a woman so maybe I’m bias. As a designer who consults with businesses on a daily basis, one of my main objectives is...Continue Reading
Did you know that you can hire someone, literally within minutes, for help with any WordPress problems? Me either! I’ve been developing a lot of WordPress sites lately, and oftentimes I run into one or two roadblocks where I have no clue on Earth how to correct. Sometimes it’s as minor as changing the font...Continue Reading
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.